Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Training plans?!

I am thinking of doing this training plan, http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51138/Marathon-Novice-2-Training-Program, it's for 18 weeks (we're already on week 2) but I felt that I already had the base mileage. It's Hal Higdon's Marathon Training-Novice 2. I think following the schedule would really help me actually take rest days. After running everyday for a year I am having trouble taking rest days, my body just wants to go! I know I should try to do the weekday runs but the long ones are more important to me and seeing rest days on the schedule might make me really actually have rest days.The only problem I have with it is I only run 20 miles once. I think when I ran Akron I tried to get to 2 20 milers (but failed as I don't think I ever made it  to 20 miles!) But I still think I am ahead on long runs. December I was running 8-10 miles on Saturdays already! Amanda B. which one are you doing? Or what plan are you using? Anyone else with any advice please comment!!!


  1. I think this plan is great and very doable! It's probably what I would follow if I wanted to train for a full again. You got this!

  2. I did this same plan for my marathon....take those rest days!! Come week 11 and 12 I was mentally done :) 18 weeks is a long time to train! but this is a great schedule overall. Good luck!! 👍🏻
