Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wrap up of 2017 and Goals for 2018

The month of December always goes by too fast. I spent my days leading up to Christmas running, I ran a 15k for a friend who was trying to keep a streak alive after she got injured, and doing things at the kids school.We celebrated Charlie's 6th birthday party and followed by the kids first snow day. My sister-in-law graduated from RN school and had a nice weekend in Columbus celebrating her! We had THREE Christmas celebrations and then I spent a few days with my parents while Matt came home for work. I learned a lot of new things about the Wright Brothers (my dad gave me one of my first books to read for the year about them) and other inventors of Dayton at Carillon Historical Park. Also we went to Boonshoft where the kids had tons of fun playing pretend for hours and I decided I wanted to adopt an otter! It got really cold here in NE Ohio around New Years but it didn't stop me from running outside a few times, I know I'm nuts! I ended up running 129 miles in December and ended up with 1770 miles for the year. This was after 1.66 marathons, 1 half marathon, 1 20k trail race, 1 official 15k, 1 10k, 2 5 milers,  and 1 4.7 miler!

Disregard December 2016 mileage (102) for the right total of 1770 miles!

This year I still haven't decided running goals yet. I will be "training" with my buddy Amanda who is going to run the Canton marathon again this year. I have no desire to run another marathon (yet...?) but I really liked the training so I am going to run most of the long runs with her...not sure I will run a 20 miler with her but I will definitely get to 13-15 miles. I know I am running the Shawshank Hustle again with Shelley so I need to find some hills, which means I will most likely sign up for my most favorite race ever Shamrock (I also have a race streak there, the number is 10 I think!) Other than that I have no real plan for running. 

But for other goals I have a few:
  1. Drink 64 ounces of water daily (so far I've 3 for 3)
  2. Read 25 books (I read 19 last year and there were a few months I didn't pick up a book). I also have the first 3 books on my night stand.
  3. On NYE I made stuffed taco peppers (I have never made stuffed peppers before) and even if I had a few problems, I need to read the whole recipe before being cooking, the peppers were soooo good! I would like to try to make one new recipe a week.