Monday, February 20, 2017

Past Week

Last week was kind of a blur. I was able to complete all of my training runs. The week started cold but I was able to run outside with Amanda on Tuesday morning. It was sunny and I was a little under dressed but still got sweaty. Wednesday's speedwork of 7X800s was tough. I ran on the treadmill so I could hit the paces. I feel like such a crazy person while doing speed on the treadmill with only like three other people at the gym and no one else is running. Oh well, I kind of like being a that person! Thursday I opted for the treadmill again, it was COLD again (after being like 50 on Wednesday) and ran on a 2% incline. Friday was a rest day but I was rather active after the kids were out of school (it warmed up again!) and played outside until dark.

Saturday, I met up with Amanda, Cathy, and Megan down in North Canton (with about 30 other people) and ran 15 miles around Walsh University. There were plenty of small rolling hills and it was about a 7 mile "loop" around neighborhoods. I did okay during the first loop but the second loop I got bored and frustrated. I got really frustrated thinking about last week's run and how awesome that run was and it was up a "mountain". I'm thinking out and backs or multiple loops on the same path is not good for me during long runs. I'm okay going out on the towpath and doing out and backs there for 3.5 (7) miles. But anything more, seems just defeating (I think that's the word I want to use). Running out 4+ miles and having to turn around and do it again just seems crazy, but running a 15 mile loop is okay. Whatever, we got the miles in and I enjoyed the rest of the day outside with the family. We even took a family walk in the afternoon (grand total of steps were over +40,000)!!! Matt and I also got a rare date night!

There was a photographer out on the roads on Saturday morning on a bike. He stopped and took pictures and would ask if we needed water a few times throughout the morning. The 3rd or 4th time I asked if I could take his bike and he could finish running for me, he laughed and told me if I could catch him I could have his bike...I never did...

This picture is just all sorts of craziness

And of course who doesn't deserve a donut after 15 miles!

Sunday, again it was a beautiful day. I felt asleep before 10 on Saturday and didn't stir until 9! I told Matt that was going to get up early and ride my bike for an hour. Oops, but I managed to get out by 10:30! I rode 13.5 miles on the towpath in an hour. I enjoyed the ride and laughed out loud when I realized that there are people who can run a half marathon in an hour, when it takes me twice as long!

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