Yesterday was a cross training day. Which means anything but running so I choose to use the elliptical for 30 minutes (I just re-read my training plan and it was suppose to be an hour...bummer!) And today is another rest day. I am not sure if I can do two rest days in this training program. I get that I should have a rest day (Friday) before a long run day but this one on Monday is rough on me, well until the mileage really ramps up. I wonder if on Monday I could do a light walk (for like 30 minutes) and then a small strength training. Even though the plan has me doing weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays after I run 3 "easy" miles. Thinking more of this, maybe a little bit of walking along with my PT exercises and maybe a little bit of yoga would be okay on Mondays. I just can't do NOTHING!
These next few days are going be weird weather wise. Tomorrow snow and ice in the morning before warming up and just raining. And then raining all day on Thursday with it almost being 60 degrees. I don't know if Amanda and I are going to be able to run together, as I rather NOT run in the cold rain.
I did buy myself a new pair of warmer running tights that I will be able to wear if it's windy (and maybe double up if I have to) thanks to Amanda and Target! I also am getting my own neck warmer thing (as I have been using Matt's). I definitely have been loving my Darn Tough brand socks (they are wool and keep the sweat and wet off my feet). I think I might have all my running gear that I will need.
I need to get me some of those socks.