Sunday's are cross training days. And today I could not pass up going back out on the Bike and Hike for an hour bike ride. I actually thought about riding from our house and just riding on the towpath but Matt said was just going to be a muddy mess and not that much fun to ride through. So Matt helped me pump up my tires and get it on the bike rack and I off I went. There were tons of people out since it was so nice but even if you say "passing on your left" some people have headphones on or just don't hear well (maybe I don't say it as loud as I feel like I am saying it) and don't get out of the way and I had to slow down. Riding through Brandywine Falls again and all those hills right there sure make me feel like I not as great as I think I am as a cyclist but I rode 14 miles in a little over an hour. I could take the weather all winter long for sure but I know it's not going to last but I am thankful that I took advantage of it yesterday and today. Next Saturday is 12 miles!!!

I feel like the helmet is on crooked, it just might be me
I hope everyone got to enjoy this weekend's weather in NEOhio!
It's a cute picture! Glad you got out today. It was really nice out!