Disregard December 2016 mileage (102) for the right total of 1770 miles!
This year I still haven't decided running goals yet. I will be "training" with my buddy Amanda who is going to run the Canton marathon again this year. I have no desire to run another marathon (yet...?) but I really liked the training so I am going to run most of the long runs with her...not sure I will run a 20 miler with her but I will definitely get to 13-15 miles. I know I am running the Shawshank Hustle again with Shelley so I need to find some hills, which means I will most likely sign up for my most favorite race ever Shamrock (I also have a race streak there, the number is 10 I think!) Other than that I have no real plan for running.
But for other goals I have a few:
- Drink 64 ounces of water daily (so far I've 3 for 3)
- Read 25 books (I read 19 last year and there were a few months I didn't pick up a book). I also have the first 3 books on my night stand.
- On NYE I made stuffed taco peppers (I have never made stuffed peppers before) and even if I had a few problems, I need to read the whole recipe before being cooking, the peppers were soooo good! I would like to try to make one new recipe a week.
You really rocked 2017! Way to go!!