Well, July came and went. I really don't have much to say at all. I didn't run in any races but I managed to continue to run most days. We spent a weekend in Hocking Hills with my family in this nice house with lots of property to run around in. Plus this massive hill (seriously it was at least half a mile long) that I attempted to run up everyday but never made it up to the top!
I continued showing up on Monday nights for hill training with the Green YMCA running club. Surprisingly each week seem easier and easier; it didn't help that on Mondays the weather was almost always nice and cool! I've made a few friends from the group and we like to tease each other as we are "competing against each" to see who can finish the 10 rounds the quickest.
I was able to keep up one long run a week between 8-10 miles on the weekends. Once with the Green YMCA running group but mostly on my own. Which has always been good (and bad). I love knowing that I am motivated enough to keep running despite wanting to quit sometimes but I wish I had someone to keep me from walking. Don't get me wrong there is NOTHING wrong with walking but I know that I am better than that and walk far too much by myself. Oh, I just remembered one of my runs was with Beth. She was going to run 5 but I convinced her to run 6 and was hoping that she might just keep going. The morning looked like it was gonna rain (and most likely thunderstorm) so we started out at 7 hoping to miss most of the rain. It started to rain at mile 4 and by 6 miles Beth was done. I thought about quitting but I was already soaked so really what was the point of stopping so I continued on hoping that the thunderstorms would hold off. And they did almost, the last quarter mile was the fastest I have run in awhile!
I also had another PR month and ran 180 miles (994 miles for the year, had I known I would have probably would have tried to run 6 more)! Plus a 20 mile bike ride to the Lizard with my husband.